A community-driven effort

Advancing the practice of Decision Automation & Management



Understand the potential and possibilities of decision automation in the context of digital transformation.

  • What is the best place to start?

  • Which approach should I use?

  • What tools are needed?


Improve the practice and adoption of decision automation through better outcomes .

  • Industry trends

  • Technology levels of maturity

  • Limitations of tools and methodologies


Bring together thought leaders, practitioners, vendors, and organizations looking to adopt decision automation. Connecting:

  • Organizations to peers to understand outcomes & challenges for similar adoptions

  • Organizations to Practitioners & vendors

  • Practitioners to vendors


Our Organization

Find out about our mission, methods, and the results of our decades of advocacy.

Join us in solving industry challenges:

  • The industry needs leaders focused on delivering business value through decision automation, not just a technical tools

  • Many decision management projects & tool purchases fail to achieve ROI, due to lack of practice know-how 

  • Product and service vendors attempting to differentiate create a lot of confusion and misconceptions with often contradicting pitches 

  • The industry is highly fragmented, clusters of approaches have formed with little information sharing or propagation of proven ideas

  • Automation practitioners tend to be siloed by product vendor, and not lead by general best practices

  • Industry analysts for decision automation tend to be journalists with little to no practical digital transformation experience and are influenced by vendors